Arizona's Hawaiian Day Spa

Scottsdale Spa: 480-661-2991 | Goodyear Spa: 623-536-7766
Woman receiving chocolate body scrub at day spa in Scottsdale, AZ

Featured Service: Body Scrub

As the summer winds down and we head into Labor Day it is time to prepare our bodies for the cooler weather. Are your feet sore and rough from a summer of wearing flip flops and sandals? Come in to the spa and get a foot scrub or add a full body scrub to your next service. Our Custom Coconut Lomi Lomi or Custom Coconut Waikiki include a foot scrub after your full body massage. If you are in need of total exfoliation to remove dry and dead skin add a 30 min scrub to your next visit! We offer several different tropical scents to choice from including coconut, mango and even chocolate! Make an appointment today online or by calling any of our locations!

Author Info

Gen Bush

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