Arizona's Hawaiian Day Spa

Scottsdale Spa: 480-661-2991 | Goodyear Spa: 623-536-7766

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage History And Techniques

Hawaiian Experience Spa Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi lomi massage, as performed at Hawaiian Experience Spa in our Scottsdale, Chandler and Goodyear day spas, is done on the entire body at once as opposed to one section of the body at a time. Your specially trained massage therapist will use long flowing strokes that go from head to toe in one run. The energy applied during a lomi lomi massage is analogous to an ocean wave with powerful action as the wave comes in and a more gentle return action as the wave recedes. Typically, your therapist will use their forearms with medium to deep pressure during the power stroke going down your body and then use their hands in a softer run as they go back up your body to the starting position.

In order to perform these full body runs you will only be draped in a small towel. This allows your therapist access to the entire body at once. Other lomi techniques include massages the underside of your body as the therapist slides their hands and arms under your torso and legs, often while continuing to massage the upper side of your body with the other arm. These three dimensional techniques cannot be done in a traditional style massage due to the limitations of the draping and sheet arrangement. Your therapist may even climb on the massage table and use special massage strokes to access the body from a different direction.

History of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi

Lomi lomi is an ancient massage native to the Hawaiian Islands. It has been practiced for at least 1,000 years and was a sacred part of Hawaiian shamanism, healing, and various rituals. More than a massage, lomi lomi was a healing ritual meant to affect the body, mind, and spirit. There was no written language in Hawaii prior to western intervention in the 1800’s so facts about ancient Hawaii are often difficult to come by. However, it is believed by many that lomi lomi was originally performed almost exclusively in Hawaiian temples by kahunas (masters of a particular discipline and teachers). It was used for healing as part of Hawaiian shamanic medicine, and for various rituals such as when a young man or a young woman was coming of age. During that ritual, the young person would receive a massage for many hours, or even days, by one kahuna after another until he or she had a vision as to their place in the village.

At some point families started performing lomi lomi on their own, outside of the temples. Often those lomi lomi massages were changed from the original style in some way and those new teachings were passed down through the generations. Today, there are many different styles of lomi lomi with the most popular two being Temple Style (This is believed to be the original style and what is performed at Hawaiian Experience Spa) and Auntie Margaret Style. Auntie Margaret re-introduced her family’s version of lomi lomi to the world in the 1950’s and it became very popular as it was the first time lomi lomi became somewhat available outside of Hawaii. Her lomi lomi is based on christianity as introduced into Hawaii by missionaries, instead of Hawaiian hula and shamanism. Stylistically it differs slightly from Temple Style in that is uses more hands for the massage, along with some rocking techniques. It also contains no Hawaiian rituals.

Massages With Lomi Lomi Massage Techniques

While lomi lomi is very relaxing it is also very therapeutic. Your therapist can address any medical issue that can be treated with massage therapy with either a lomi lomi or traditional massage. Hawaiian Experience Spa performs more lomi lomi massages than any spa in the mainland United States. We offer a variety of service that include lomi lomi including the following:

Hawaiian Experience Lomi Lomi Massage

Coconut Sea Salt Lomi Lomi Massage

Kahuna Lomi Lomi Massage

Double Lomi Lomi Massage

Couples Lomi Lomi Massages

Lomi for Lovers Couples Ritual

Coconut Sea Salt Lomi For Couples

We also have several treatments that include some lomi techniques along with traditional massage. Visit our Spa Services Page here to see all services offered at Hawaiian Experience Spa.

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Hawaiian Spa

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